Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Onward and Upward

Yes, it has been quite a while since I posted on this blog.  You've got me, I have been trippin'.  But the lack of posting is not due to a lack of happenings.  In fact, were there actually a lack of happenings, there would be more posting, as that seems to be just how it goes for me.  But several things have been happening all at once, sapping my time, energy, and attention, but pushing me further along in my quest to be a full-fledged, bona fide grown up.  Here's a quick bullet point list of what's been happening (in absolutely no particular order aside from my stream of consciousness):

  • Erin and I received financial approval for a home loan, searched through hundreds of houses in our area, looked at close to 20+ houses, and put in an offer on one--which was accepted just last Friday.
  • I went on around 4 job interviews which ate up a considerable amount of time (and neckties)
  • I spent an exorbitant amount of time, gas, calories, and verbal energy taking care of a small personal matter that has been burdening me for the last 3 years, finally closing a chapter in my life that I am glad to leave behind.
  • I received the gift of phenomenal new shoes, moisture-wicking cold-weather wear, and awesome gloves, to help me run straight through the notoriously feisty Midwestern winter.
  • I ran....a lot.  In the past 3 weeks, I have made big Monday runs of 6, 7, and 8 miles respectively.  I have also ratcheted up the mileage on my smaller runs, going from two-three 5Ks per week to three 5-mile runs on Wed-Fri each week.  My grand total last week: 22 miles.
  • I've been hanging with my folks quite a bit.  My family means more to me now that it probably ever has before.  And it is funny that this is the case, as I have officially made my living away from my parents a permanent situation.  But I am glad that I am now in contact with my family (and my future family) more these days, because it reaffirms the theme that has been present in my life for the past year and half: constant progress.
  • I've been doing some heavy academic work.  I'm starting to get used to Philosophy being a large part of my life again.  It has been a while, and I still find myself weirded out by the presence of this fickle mistress, but I'm glad to have her back (so long as my #1 lady doesn't get jealous).
I think that about sums it up.  Now, these may be bullets, but they are surely not being fired out of an excuse gun.  Indeed, I did fail to post as I intended to when I began this blog, but I did not fail to uphold the important end of the bargain; I was gettin' shit done!  So long as I keep running, keep working, keep loving, keep my head up, and keep my promises, I can rest at night feeling that I've done what I can.  I can't deny that it would be nice to have a regular record of my days, thoughts, projects, progress, and intentions, but that has to take a back seat to the days, thoughts, projects, progress, and intentions themselves.  It's all good and fine to update a blog everyday, but if it's at the expense of doing what you need to do to make your life and the lives of others better, you might just want to re-prioritize.


  1. You have been a busy boy! I don't mind Philosophy taking away your time as long as you don't mind bad TV taking away mine.

  2. What kind of jobs are you looking for that the interviews end with the consumption of neckties? Ooh! Is it something at the circus?!

  3. Didn't anyone tell you you can wear the same tie to any number of interviews, provided they're at different places?

    It's nice to hear from you. I was wondering...

  4. Wow, way to ratchet up the mileage!
    You're my hero :-)
